About Brian Ransom, CFA®, MBA, MS

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So far Brian Ransom, CFA®, MBA, MS has created 79 blog entries.

Scary Tweet Right?

Scary tweet, right? This particular tweet from *checks notes* TicTocTick made news on May 7, 2024, caught over 82,000 views, received 526 likes, and was reposted 117 times. What’s really scary about this tweet is it’s not true. From the fact that yield curve didn’t exist in 1929 (not really, anyways) to the false implication that inversion length translates 1:1 to recession strength, this tweet packed in a lot of falsehoods in just a couple sentences. But it is believable enough to scare a lot of people into retweeting, making [...]

Delta Market Update 2024 – 1st Quarter

Delta Airlines (NYSE: DAL) shares are trading near their post-pandemic highs after trading 29% higher, year-to-date as of May 22, 2024. They’re still about $10 off their all-time highs, though. The dividend was reinstated in late 2023 after getting the cut since the summer of 2020. Currently, Delta pays $.10/share/quarter and has a yield of about 0.8%. Prior to the pandemic, Delta shares fetched a yield of around 3%. Investors are likely to shy away from the airlines industry after getting the cyclical reminder that running a profitable airline is [...]

By |2024-05-28T13:32:36-04:00May 28, 2024|Delta|

Southern Company Update, 1st Quarter 2024

Southern Company stock, along with many other utilities, has had a rare, strong rally over the last couple of weeks. Heavy buying in the utilities sector can often be a harbinger for market volatility especially if it comes at the expense of the riskier sectors like consumer discretionary stocks (clothing, vehicles, restaurants, etc.). And that’s pretty much what we’ve seen with the rally beginning April 16. Stocks like LuluLemon, Nike, and Starbucks have sold off while utilities rally in conjunction. Ultimately, this is all short-term noise for Southern shareholders though. [...]

Market Update: April 2024

Welcome to the Monthly Market Update from Signature Wealth Management. I’m Brian Ransom, Research Director from Signature Wealth and here’s what happened in the market this month. https://youtu.be/gyKiKtFbeRI   Now I know it’s not 2022 and inflation was supposed to recede by now but here we are in April 2024 and we can’t have nice things. Inflation was expected to continue to fall and level off around 2%. We did not get that. Instead, it leveled off around 3-3.5%. As mentioned in previous videos, it didn’t look like inflation [...]

By |2024-05-01T10:58:23-04:00April 30, 2024|Videos|

Southern Company Update, 4th Quarter 2023

Southern Company had a respectable end of the year for 2023 regarding the growth of its business. Usually with electric utilities, no news is good news. Since there was not a significant event in the earnings call, the utility business should continue as expected with steady earnings growth based on Southern Company forecasts. In this case, 2023 earnings per share (EPS) results hit the top end of full year guidance from management. That’s about a 2% growth rate over 2022 results. Management also guided 2024 EPS at a 10% growth [...]

By |2024-03-22T13:21:29-04:00March 14, 2024|Southern Company|

Delta Market update 2023 – 4th Quarter

Delta Airlines (NYSE: DAL) had a decent year in 2023, increasing net income by about $3.3b year/year. This seemed like it was the first full year of true “normalcy” following the Covid Pandemic. This included the reinstatement of the quarterly dividend at $.20/share, giving DAL stock a yield just shy of 1% as of February 23, 2024. Delta Airlines still has a ways to go to fully restore the pre-Covid dividend of $.3775/share as well as deleveraging the balance sheet back to 2019 levels. In fact, the pandemic really demonstrated [...]

By |2024-03-07T10:57:51-05:00March 7, 2024|Delta|

NextEra Energy Update; February 2024

NextEra Energy was once the clean and innovative center of the Southeast’s utility grid. And they still are. But over the last year, the stock market has repriced the value of NextEra Energy stock (NYSE: NEE). Prior to 2023, NextEra stock typically fetched a valuation premium over similar utilities because of a perceived higher growth rate on earnings as well as stability of earnings generation. Thus, as depicted below, throughout most of 2018-2022, NextEra stock had a higher price-to-book-value valuation that the other major utilities in the area.   Source: [...]

By |2024-02-20T11:19:23-05:00February 16, 2024|NextEra Energy|

The Debt Maturity Wall

The market movement over the last couple of months can really be summarized by one graph. In my humble opinion, this is the most important graph in all of finance right now and the market is just now starting to digest its implications. This is graph of the 10-year treasury bond yield that broke its multi-decade downward trading pattern back in 2022 and continues to rise here in 2023. Stocks and bonds, farms and businesses, homeowners and renters, credit card owners and issuers, student borrowers and universities, Congressmen and their [...]

By |2024-01-30T18:33:29-05:00October 30, 2023|Investments|
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